
Obesity: Anatomy and function | Diagram | Conditions | Symptoms

Obesity is a risk-factor for everything. The food pyramid is a scam. Initiated by the Department of Agriculture in the United States of America in the early 1970's. And the cure is NOT fat=positivity. Get back to basics. FOOD is something to NOURISH the body. That means the center isles of your current Supermarket is full of ULTRA-PROCESSED foods with NO nutritional value. This include sugar and seed oils. 

When (fi you do) read product labels this will include words like modified food starch, or modified corn starch or Maltodextrin. The sugars would be corn syrup, or glucose syrup - and your seed oils would include words like Corn Oil, Canola Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Safflower oil and Soy Oil. Not only does it create nutritional deficiencies, but it also makes you MORE hungry. 

Every time you eat, you raise a hormone called INSULIN. Too much insulin is very dangerous in the body. With healthy ketosis and intermittent fasting is reducing the excess of insulin in your body. And no, you will not loose muscle mass with intermittent fasting. Certain growth hormones increases dramatically to protect the muscles from being lost. Carbohydrates stimulates insulin. High insulin levels (type II diabetes) prevents fat loss. Type I diabetes produces no insulin. Type II diabetes have too much insulin. 

How do I know I have too much insulin in my body? Look down. If you can see your stomach (belly); you have too much insulin in your body. Visceral stomach fat has a direct link to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatigue, decreased cognitive function (lack of focus), inflammation, poor memory, moody and irritable, 

With intermittent fasting, you first get rid of glycogen. That is the sugar stored in your liver. When that is depleted, the body will start using FAT for fuel (i.e. you start shredding cm's and pounds). 

What should I eat? Must I measure calories? Not necessary. Take your plate. Half (50%) if it should be salads or vegetables. A quarter of the plate (25%) should be proteins. And the other quarter (25%) should be fat. 
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